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Goat Grazing in the Hills

    Funding for Puente Hills Fuels Reduction Project provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire Prevention Program as part of the California Climate Investments Program

Meet our Maintenance Worker, David

Meet our dedicated subcontractor David Garcia! David is a wonderful, hard-working and dedicated maintenance worker that helps keep the trailheads clean for all of us. He always has a friendly […]

Fire Preparedness

FIRE PREPAREDNESS With summer comes the heat.  Native plants, which were lush and blooming during the spring rainy season, go dormant and the Puente Hills turn golden. Fire season is […]

Trails Closed due to Red Flag Warning

Tuesday, September 8 through the morning of Thursday, September 10  – Trails are closed due to high fire threat.  Trails could be closed longer.  Check back for updates.  

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