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Outreach Activities

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Due to staff shortages and budget constraints, we will not be offering field trips or programming at this time.

Hills Alive field trips

The Hills are Alive with Knowledge

Hills Alive

Hills Alive is committed to creating an awareness of and appreciation for Puente Hills’ natural habitat and wildlife by offering informative and entertaining education opportunities. Our hope is to instill in each person we meet a sense of place, stewardship and a greater understanding of the need for preservation for future generations.

Hills Alive provides Docent led field trip programs for schools. The Habitat Authority believes that learning must be fun and engaging. Therefore, our programs are all activity-based and interactive. In addition, all of our school programs are aligned with California Common Core Standards and Next Generation Science Standards as well as other academic areas. Our multi-sensory teaching techniques lead children to learn about habitats, plant and animal life cycles, food chains, Native Americans and more. Our trained docents and skilled staff will implement the program, and the children will be under the supervision of the teachers and/or groups’ chaperones.

Why Choose Hills Alive Programs for your Class?

Hills Alive

Hills Alive provides opportunities for students to have direct experiences with the living environment by bringing nature education and hands-on science education outdoors! Students will explore scientific concepts and natural history in our outdoor classroom that brings their science lessons to life.

Moreover, nature is essential to a child’s overall development—research has shown that children are smarter, more cooperative, happier and healthier when they have frequent and varied opportunities in the outdoors. Our programs are designed with this in mind, blending positive interactive inquiry-based nature activities with school curricula and California learning standards.

How do Hills Alive programs fit with the California State Learning Standards?
Hills Alive has developed its nature education programs to correlate with Next Generation Science Standards, adopted by California in September 2013, to compliment teachers’ in-class lessons.

To Reserve a Free Field Trip

Hills Alive

Field trips for schools can only be arranged by/through a teacher for an entire class or grade. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations for the upcoming school year open on the first of August.  If you would like to talk about the possibilities, contact Hills Alive, by phone at 562-945-9003 or via e-mail at

Transportation reimbursement is available but limited.

These Hills Alive programs are partially funded by Hills for Everyone, Kohl’s, and other donors.

The Habitat Authority is available by appointment to provide ranger-led hikes and general presentations about its activities.

Another type of educational program is a Junior Ranger Program, offered to children in surrounding communities. It consists of a two-hour hike in the hills focusing on topics related to conservation, nature education, park stewardship and wilderness skills development. If you would like a Jr. Ranger Program for your classroom, contact the Habitat Authority at

Junior Rangers

Girls ScoutsNewly designed after-school programs for troop members grades K-5 that help educate local children about nature while completing troop-level badge requirements.

Programs are 2 hours in length and consist of both a themed interactive activity-based hike in the Preserve and a take-home craft.

Girl Scout Program Application

Programs include:

  • Girl Scout Daisy “Clean Up the World” for grades K-1: Rosie Petal Badge
  • Girl Scout Brownies “Bug School” for grades 2-3: Bug Try-it Badge
  • Girl Scout Junior “Flower Power” for grades 4-5: Flower Badge

Patches must be obtained by troop leader at local council location.

Please contact us for a Docent-led hike for your troop, at Programs for individual badges are in transition, and currently not available.


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