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Advisory Committee

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Meet the Citizens Technical Advisory Committee (CTAC)

The Board has created an Advisory Committee to make recommendations on selected items that come before the Board. The Committee is made up of nine members. Three each are nominated from the Whittier City Council, La Habra Heights City Council, and the Office of the Supervisor of the First District. The Board approves appointments onto the Committee.

Each volunteer Committee position has a term of four years.

If you are interested in applying to be considered for the Advisory Committee please contact us at, or for Whittier residents click here or contact the City Clerk’s office at (562) 567-9850, for La Habra Heights residents click here or email, or for County residents contact

La Habra Heights Delegates:

Cathy Houwen, Board Liaison
Roy Francis
Adam Nazaroff, Chair

City of Whittier Delegates:

Shelley Andros
Michelle Pekko-Seymoure
Dr. Janis Cavanaugh

Unincorporated County Delegates:

Matthew Liang, Vice Chair
Bryan Coreas
Cassandra Garcia

We are grateful to our past community Advisory Committee members who dedicated many hours of their time to help guide the Habitat Authority during its formative years and beyond. They have provided the Board with recommendations and community feedback over the years, working towards preserving the hills for generations to come.
Jeff Brauckmann
Gabriel Monares
Ray Wong
Charles Lawrence
John Houser
Karen Chang
Gina Natoli
GinaRose Kimball
Suzann Chung
John Shubin
Richard Lacy
David Cowardin
William McDermott
Bud Welch
Michael Hughes
David Rodriguez
Steven Garcia
Chuck Hanson
Alex Moisa
David Fretz
John Erickson
Davida Pearson
Rose Marie Turner
April Garbat
Robert Barrios
Ray Williams
Mary Jo Maxwell
Boyd J. Coffman