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Goat Grazing in La Habra Heights

Home » Goat Grazing in La Habra Heights

This year (2023), the Habitat Authority is using goats to graze 30 acres in an area close to homes near the  Reposado/Canada Sombre area. This is being funded by the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) for 2 years (the location next year is to be determined). The goats were deployed Saturday, June 17, 2023, and are in the field.

(click for) Goat arrival_video_20230617




Also as a part of the Habitat Authority’s fuel clearance efforts to prevent wildfires, this fall (2023) the Habitat Authority will be removing 31 dead/hazardous trees in La Habra Heights – approximately 21 trees in northern Powder Canyon and 10 trees elsewhere in the City of LHH; this is being funded by CALFIRE, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire Prevention Program as part of the California Climate Investments Program


Additionally, in 2021, the Habitat Authority removed 53 dead/hazardous trees in La Habra Heights with a previous RMC grant.